Hast e’er thou bethought how ‘twould sound
If by sharp wit and skilled pen a tale were rendered in
Yet another mode than that in which ‘twas first writ?
Would not thou stand astounded if met with a tale of the stars
And the galactic forces at war therein, yet told
In a manner befitting the air of noble playwright
William Shakespeare? For such hath been found, aye, and when found
Brought with gladsome haste to our goodly abode,
Whereupon we set with eagerness of heart to peruse
This volume so singularly significant.
For since my first days as one seeing merit
In literary works of satire or parody,
Ne’er yet have I seen such skill in style set
To such a worthy end.
Aye, this classic pair,
The timeless nature of Star Wars films
Mixed yet with seamless Shakespearean style,
Hath quick taken hold of my thought this day,
And hath firmly rooted in the mould of mine mind
As ranking beyond the common lot of words multiplied,
In an instant becoming a favorite.
‘Tis through influence of volume by Ian Doescher,
Goodly man of capacity vast, that now
My thoughts be ever bent towards galaxies distant
And to the sorrows and strivings therein. Moreover,
Attention turns perforce to writing style grand;
I here seek to convey the flavor, yet whilest knowing
My words be but an echo and a shadow thereof.
Pentameter, iambic or otherwise, is not as yet
Accounted among my strengths – and yet – methinks
That with the passage of time, and opportunity availed,
I may still come to learn this skill. ‘Tis said
The pen be mighty beyond strength of sword, yea, e’en perhaps
Past power held by saber of light; and if ‘tis true,
I’ll train in its use until ready and full fit to write
In style belike the bard – or mayhap in style finer still!
To thee, O Reader, may I in closing advice impart –
For in closing it must be, else thou shalt soon
Bethink thyself of hasty departure, and flee –
If thou liking hast for words poetic yet clear,
For lines in stately measure writ, for tale familiar
And yet sublime: thou shouldst with haste
Convey thyself to a seller of books, and search
For one so named Verily, A New Hope; thus thou shalt find
A volume to thy delight, diverting thee for hours to come.
Be swift! Glad thou shalt be made by this matter,
If gladdened thou canst be made by the written word.
With grateful heart I thank thee for thy time, trusting
That it shall not have been spent in vain.
Is this part of a book?
No. It's a book recommendation I wrote. (But I'm highly flattered that you took it to be an actual excerpt!)
Rather more flattered than I ought to be, really... for of course I now recognize what I did not at the time at which I first wrote this out, namely, this recommendation is not actually written in iambic pentameter. Neither was that note I sent you. Thus (that having been kind of the whole point), I have not much to take pride in here. Ah well... "I may still come to learn this skill"! :)
I'm giving serious consideration to the idea of rewriting this book recommendation, this time actually writing it iambic pentameter instead of in this "Shakespeare-imitation-flavor", as it were... but what a lot of work that would be! Greater knowledge demands greater responsibility... ignorance was bliss. :]
O'course, if there were anything like a demand for such a revision, or even something vaguely resembling an interest, I'd be well pleased to begin such an undertaking... but as things now stand... would anybody even notice if I did? Or am I left to amuse myself with my own rambling soliloquies?
To write or not to write... THAT is the question.
Just a comment from your dear mother... I am thoroughly impressed with your original offering, iambic pentameter or not!
Love your creativity!
I thank thee for thy comment on this post!
Thy thoughts pertaining to my writings here
On blog so named as Well-timed Tuneful Blends
Are ever an encouragement to me -
E'en though thou hold'st my skill in more regard
Than I myself can do, and though thy view
Of my originality mayhap
Is more than I would willingly attest.
"Familiarity doth breed contempt,"
And so I'm not impressed by aught I write.
But still, I thank thee for thy kindly words!
{exit Zoë}
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